How you think affects how you feel, what you believe, and how you act. So an easy way to say that is: How you think affects how you live. Your thought life is so important.
You are what you think! Your everyday life is deeply impacted by your thoughts. Do you think to yourself you can’t do something? You probably won’t be able to do it. Do you think to yourself you are a certain way? Then you’ll probably live that way.
So the big question is, what are you thinking about?
What are you thinking about?
Do you struggle with negative thoughts? Thoughts of self-doubt or depression? Anxiety? Or maybe it’s something totally different; maybe it’s unhealthy self-confidence, or complete self-centeredness. What is it for you?
In our new message series beginning Sunday, September 12, we’ll try to confront these questions head-on. The series, titled “Thought Life,” is meant to help you deconstruct negative thought patterns that keep you from living with joy, purpose, and ultimately on mission for God in the world.
God says you are made in his image. You are made with a purpose. And that purpose is to glorify Him and live on mission for his kingdom in this life.
Are you finding satisfaction in the purpose he’s given you? If not, let’s look together in this series at what the Bible has to say about your thought life. Because the battle for joy, meaning, and mission begins in your mind.
What We’re Covering in “Thought Life”
We want to make it super easy. We’ll be giving out a booklet you can use during the series to take notes and work through exercises that will help you take control of your thought life.
Too often, we believe we’re slaves to our thoughts. But the Bible shows us that, when we’re in a relationship with Jesus, we can take back our thoughts and live in the freedom he has purchased for us.
We’ll start in week one, by looking at 2 Corinthians 10:3-5:
For although we live in the flesh, we do not wage war according to the flesh, since the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but are powerful through God for the demolition of strongholds. We demolish arguments and every proud thing that is raised up against the knowledge of God, and we take every thought captive to obey Christ. (CSB)
Then we’ll move to Romans 12:2 in week two, Philippians 4:8-9 in week three, and Colossians 3:1-4 in the final week of the series. I’d encourage you to read ahead and meditate on these passages.
Meditation means you read them and think about them! You consider them heavily. Maybe you journal your thoughts, or you talk to someone else about them. It will be super helpful to think about God’s truth in the Bible.
Part of the process of gaining control over your thoughts is replacing untrue thoughts with true thoughts. That starts in your knowledge of, and meditation on, the Bible.
Two Challenges
There are two challenges we want to give you during this series. If you’re new, stick with us for all four weeks. That’s challenge number one. Give it a month! Dig in, do the exercises, have conversations with other Christians about the sermon content, go all in. I really believe it will change your life!
If you’re new, check out the Welcome Page on our website for what to expect, or our DNA Page for more on who we are.
Challenge two is to invite others to come with you. Invite your friends and family and neighbors. Now is a special time in our culture when people are considering what they believe and why. The pandemic has shaken people up and they’ve struggled for over a year with what they think about life, purpose, and how to find happiness.
Utilize this opportunity to grow and to help others grow. Together, we’ll see that God has a lot to say about our thought life. I’m looking forward to going on the journey with you!

Author: Pastor Carter Mundy
Carter is the Lead Pastor of Redemption Church. Check out more about him and his family by clicking here.