
Community Groups

You can’t be a lone Christian! It’s impossible to grow closer to Jesus and mature in your faith without others there to do life with you. Sign up to be a part of a community group today so you can mature together and serve together.

Groups Start Back in August!

DNA Groups

Are you ready for even more intentional discipleship with other believers? Join a DNA Group. These are 2-4 people, same gender, similar life stage. “DNA” stands for Discipleship, Nurture, and Accountability. Register to join one today.

Groups Start Back in August!

Why Should I Join a DNA Group?

Listen to three of our members talk about how groups, and specifically DNA groups, have impacted their lives!

Connect to Community

Community and DNA groups are one of the main ways our church shapes believers into the image of Jesus. It takes intentional, authentic community to grow in your faith. Make sure you connect to community today!

Groups FAQ's

Anyone who wants to grow in their relationship with God and other believers!

Our community groups are open to anyone on any given week. They typically consist of 10-15 people. Our groups are based on night-of-the-week you can attend, and location in the city. We don’t have specific demographics we place together. God has created his church to display unity through diversity!

Anyone who wants to hold accountable, and be held accountable by, other believers!

Our pastors will place you in a group of 2-3 other people who are your same gender and in a similar life stage. If you’re ready to grow even deeper into your relationship with Jesus, and you’re ready to be open and honest with your struggles, and you’re ready to pray for other believers with intentionality, then a DNA group is for you.

Community group meetings are once a week in someone’s home for about an hour and a half. They’re sermon-based discussion groups. That means we spend some time catching up and hanging out; then spend the majority of our time discussing the previous week’s sermon. Watching/listening to the sermon isn’t required, but it helps aid the discussion!

DNA groups meet at least every other week for about an hour and a half, wherever and whenever the group decides. These are the times for encouraging, praying intentionally for one another, and holding each other accountable in the struggles of daily life.

How much you share is totally up to you! Community groups are meant for deep discussion around the Bible and the sermon. DNA groups are meant for personal accountability. DNA group is most likely the place you’ll want to share more, being open and honest about your struggles.

Stay Connected!

Subscribe to our monthly emails and/or text messages to stay connected and partner in prayer!