Our Leaders

Executive Staff:


Michael Nunn

Executive Pastor

Ministry aSSistant:

Linda Ronald

Ministry Assistant

Ministry Team Leaders:

Troy bittner

Worship Team leader

Kaitlin pennington

Kids Ministry Team Leader

Trena Turner

Hospitality Team Leader

Ministry Resident:

Matt Wagner

Ministry Resident


Mundy Family

Carter Mundy

Shepherding & Directional Elder

Carter is our lead pastor, serving as both a shepherding elder and directional elder.

He and his wife, Tamara, are native Roanokers, but their children are all North Carolinians! After moving to North Carolina in 2009, Carter and Tamara got plugged into The Summit Church. They caught the vision of gospel multiplication and were sent out of The Summit as members of a launch team. With 30 other people, they moved from Raleigh-Durham to start Mercy Hill Church in Greensboro. During the eight years they were there, they had a family and successful careers. But God led them to consider planting a new church. When they thought of the more than 1200 baptisms they saw at Mercy Hill in the first 7 years, the numerous marriages brought back from the brink of divorce, the overall cultural influence the church had in the Triad, and more, they knew they had to take that gospel influence back to their hometown. 

Now they’re hungry to see who God will save and how he will change the culture of Roanoke, Virginia, through Redemption Church!

Michael Nunn

Shepherding & Directional Elder

Michael and his wife, Ashley, are both from North Carolina. Michael has been on staff with several other like-minded churches, including our sending church, Mercy Hill. He brings a wealth of knowledge and energy to our executive team! He’s really excited to use his gifts to advance God’s kingdom in Roanoke, and to equip our church for the work of ministry here. He and Ashley are also excited to welcome their first child into the world!

Jacob Thomas

Shepherding Elder

Jacob and Anne Marie are faithful members of our original launch team. Their wisdom and example is such a blessing to our church. They both helped launch Mercy Hill Church in Greensboro, as well! So they’re church planters through and through.

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