Who We Are


We Are

Our story

We were sent out of Mercy Hill Church in Greensboro, North Carolina to launch an autonomous (self-led) church. As such, we primarily associate and partner with the Mercy Hill Church Planting Family. We are also a Summit Collaborative church.

Our lead pastor, Carter Mundy, was a directional and shepherding elder at Mercy Hill. You can learn more about Carter by visiting our Leaders webpage. You can also learn more about why we chose to launch a new church in Roanoke, Virginia, by visiting our Why Roanoke webpage.

In 2019, we started with a launch team of 21 people from Mercy Hill, who began moving their lives from Greensboro to Roanoke. Then, March of 2020, things got weird! When the global pandemic hit, we weren’t sure what the future would hold for our church plant. Everything came to a screeching halt (as it did everywhere in the world). But God, as always, was faithful to give our team the opportunities they needed to get to Roanoke anyway. We started meeting virtually in the Spring of 2020, then began meeting in-person with masks Fall of 2020.

We officially launched the church on Easter, April 4, 2021, at the historic Grandin Theatre in Roanoke, then moved our Sunday meetings to 622 Campbell Ave SW, 24016. We celebrated 7 baptisms in our first 8 months! God deserves the glory for that. It’s what we’re here for.

We hope to see more lives changed by the gospel in Roanoke because of our church’s presence. We’re praying for all the other gospel-centered churches in Roanoke, as well. We know we can’t reach Roanoke alone. We hope God will bring a gospel-centered revival and that we just get to participate! We plan to be here for the long haul.

If you’re ready to learn more about what makes us tick, continue reading our DNA info below and consider joining the mission!


People are restless! We’re all like climbers on a mountain with no rope and no guide to take us to the top. But meeting Jesus is like someone took us by the hand and set us on the path to the summit. We can know God (the top of the mountain) because we know Jesus, the Way to the top. 

Now we have the opportunity to go back down the mountain! Followers of Jesus become leaders for Jesus. We’ve been redeemed by our Savior, now we live to lead others to him! 

As a church, we will multiply Jesus-followers and mobilize culture-leaders, because we exist to lead a restless culture to the Redeeming Savior!


Everything we do is measured against, and guided by, our values. These four values shape our culture.


The gospel is the good news about Jesus perfect life, sacrificial death, and miraculous resurrection. It is the center and foundation for who we are and all we do as a church.


We demonstrate hospitality as a result of the hospitality shown to us by Jesus. Hospitality is the primary way we engage our non-believing neighbors. We want to be so hospitable that our neighbors can feel Jesus’ love through us.


Authentic community unites believers from all cultures to create a new culture that reflects heaven. Community is what produces both spiritual maturity and numeric growth in the church. We want to help believers grow in their faith.


Jesus commanded his followers to multiply more Jesus-followers. Multiplication = disciples who make disciples who make disciples! So, we mobilize Jesus-followers to be disciple-makers.

Growth Strategy

We believe these 5 practices can, over time, encourage your faith to grow and enable us to accomplish our mission together. Some might also call this our discipleship strategy.

You must grow deeper into the gospel in order to mature as a follower of Jesus. The two primary ways you do that on your own are through studying God’s Word, and prayer. 

Application: Download the Bible App and start reading daily. Download the Bless Every Home app to start praying daily for your neighbors.

Part of growing deeper into the gospel is through worshiping God weekly with other believers. We “meet big” on Sundays at our worship services. Come weekly to be poured into (through worship), and to pour out (through serving).

Application: Commit to attend and serve at the Sunday gathering. If interested, become a member. Membership is a commitment you make to us and that we make to you.

Part of growing deeper into the gospel is through doing life with other believers. So we “meet small” in community and DNA groups. If you open yourself up to authentic community, you will mature in your faith.

Application: Join a community and DNA group. Download the Church Center app in order to sign up for a group today.

Generosity is a major part of maturing as a Jesus follower. Jesus gave all of himself for us. We can give some of what he’s given us back to him. We want to grow in giving time, talent, and treasure. We want to look at the “tithe” (giving 10%) as the floor of our giving, not the ceiling.

Application: Start giving some amount to God’s mission somewhere. If you believe in the mission at Redemption Church, start giving through the Church Center app. Your generosity fuels the mission!

If we’re willing to go to the lost and meet them where they are, we will mature in our faith, as well. Jesus-followers are culture-leaders. That means we go to our neighbors, where we live, work, and play, in order to BLESS them. Begin by praying for them, because prayer is where God’s power comes from. But then we Listen with intentionality, Eat with purpose, Serve sacrificially, and Share our story and share the gospel.

Application: Pray about one person, or group of people, you can BLESS. Consider whether or not God is calling you to go on mission in another country or with a new church plant. Ask God how you can effectively send people for the sake of the mission while you’re here.

Starting Point

Ready to Learn More?

If you’re curious about who we are and how you could fit into the mission with us, come to the next Starting Point!

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