The past several weeks we dove into the sermon series, Sex, Marriage, & Singleness, three heavy topics that could each be entire sermon series in themselves! We hope studying 1 Corinthians 6-7 together has led to good conversations in community and DNA groups.
There is so much Pastor Carter didn’t get to cover in this three-part series. So we have compiled a list of resources for you to study further. This list is in no way comprehensive or exhaustive, and we may not agree with every thought in each resource, but they are great places to start. Please reach out to one of our leaders if you have further questions, or need a resource you don’t see listed below!
Dealing with Pornography
- Book: Finally Free by Heath Lambert
- Podcast: Daily Grace: Pornography: Addiction and the Hope of the Gospel with Juli Slattery
- Podcast: 076 Verity – Does God Forgive Sexual Sin?
- Podcast: Thirty Minutes with the Perrys – Pornography & Marriage: Part One & Two
- Program: Proven Men and Proven Women |
- Book: The Meaning of Marriage by Tim Keller
- Book: Sacred Marriage by Gary Thomas
- Book: Marriage: 6 Gospel Commitments Every Couple Needs to Make by Paul David Tripp
- Podcast: Don’t Mom Alone – Walking Thru Divorce
- Book: To Walk or Stay by Lara Williams
- TGC: How Do You Know When You’ve Met ‘The One’? Jackie Hill Perry, Jen Wilkin and Jen Pollock Michel
- Podcast: Verity – 029 | Women’s Issues: Singleness
- Book: Redeeming Singleness: How the Storyline of Scripture Affirms the Single Life by Barry Danylak
- Book: 7 Myths About Singleness by Sam Allberry
- Article: “Lottie Moon Did Not Waste Her Singleness”
- Article: “Does Singleness Waste My Sexuality”
Talking With Your Children
- Children’s Book: A Child’s First Book about Marriage: God’s Way is Always Best by Jani Ortlund
- Children’s Book: Good Pictures, Bad Pictures (Jr. version available as well) by Kristen A. Jenson
- Podcast: Good Enough – Pornography, Your Kids, and a Healthy Sexual Ethic at Home

Tamara Mundy is our Ministry Assistant at Redemption Church.
She’s the best wife and mother a family could ask for. Her husband loves her wisdom and insight, and he’s thankful for her leadership. She’s a great mother who disciples their three children well. Tamara has a penchant for design and all things home improvement!