What is the “Whatever It Takes” Giving Initiative?
A Letter From Our Lead Pastor:
Are you ready to ask God to do “whatever it takes” to mature you and make more disciples through you? It’s a dangerous prayer! It means we have to be willing to draw close to God so we can mature; but it also means we have to be willing to live completely for His mission so we can multiply.
Thankfully, we’re going to do it together. We’re at a moment that tests whether or not we’re willing to pray that prayer, and mean it. As we move into a new building, the costs significantly increase our monthly expenses. Yet, it’s going to be eternally worth the cost.
Buildings are nothing more than tools, but we need a better tool. Our new building will add a level of depth to our community that may not be quantifiable, but will be experiential. And it will, of course, enable us to reach more people. Here are just a few ways it has already impacted us:
- Our old kid’s space was not adequate. The new kid’s space helps us more
effectively develop the next generation of Jesus-followers to become culture-leaders. - Our old auditorium for worship was dark and limiting. The new sanctuary is bright, beautiful, and gives us room to grow.
- Our old lobby was tight and without air conditioning. The new lobby is open, bright, conditioned, and helps us welcome guests into a much better environment.
So as the leader of our church, and the representative of all our elders, I’m calling everyone who considers Redemption Church their church home, to go all in on this endeavor with us. Our primary goal is 100% participation from everyone. But our secondary goal is to raise $181,700 above and beyond our normal monthly giving by the end of 2024.
Below, you can click on the buttons to access our PDF booklet for more details, to give online, or to purchase something from our Amazon wish list. This is an exciting season for us! It’s a line-in-the-sand kind of moment. God wants us to join him in the mission. Let’s trust God and pray… “Whatever it takes, Lord. Whatever it takes.”
Your Partner In the Mission,
Carter Mundy, Lead Pastor
What is impossible for People is possible with God.
Luke 18:27 NLT
Primary Goal:
100% Participation
We want everyone who calls Redemption Church their home to open their hands to God’s mission and have a life-changing encounter with his Holy Spirit through generosity.
Secondary Goal:
We are also believing God for our secondary goal by December (2024) so we can accomplish our two gospel-centered initiatives. This is a pivotal moment for our church!
People Baptized Since 2021
Our Initiatives
Mature Disciples
Any time we have to take steps of faith, God uses it to mature us. So as we enter into a season of giving, which will stretch us to put our faith in Jesus, we will grow in our spiritual maturity together.
Faith is a risk, but what seems impossible to us is more than possible with God! He wants to take us ever-deeper into our relationship with him. Let’s lean into this season and trust God to make us more like Jesus, who gave his own life for us.
More Disciples
We can’t save anyone, only God can; only he can perform that miracle! But, he calls us to put our faith in him by “preparing the jars.” Just like the widow in 2 Kings 4, God is willing to multiply the “oil” of his salvation when we’re willing to do everything we can to receive it. The prophet, Elisha, told the widow to gather as many jars as she could (not too few!). God was willing to fill up as many jars as she prepared.
That’s why we moved to a new building together on November 3, 2024. We’re trusting God to multiply the miracle of salvation through our church. This “stake in the ground” will provide us with stability, and enable us to reach more people. We’re preparing a jar! We hope God will use it to reach more young professionals and young families who need an encounter with the Redeeming Savior.
Our New Building