We are super excited to end our “launch process” on Easter, April 4th, as we officially launch Redemption Church! We’re meeting at 10am in person at the Grandin Theatre, and 4pm online.
The pandemic has been strange and tough to navigate since half of what we do as a church is meet together, either in community groups throughout the week, or in the large meeting on Sundays. But thankfully, by God’s grace, we have grown during this season! Not many churches can say that.
We came to Roanoke with 19 adults, 25 people total with kids (they count, too!). And so far, we’ve grown through the pandemic to 37 adults committed, with 12 kids; so 49 people total! That doesn’t include a handful of others who are still checking things out. Praise God!
I’m not sure we could ask for any better during this historic moment. But now that things with the virus are starting to slowly subside, and states around the country are opening up more and more, we believe God is going to save many and we want to be a part of it. Roanoke’s religious landscape could be worse, but with over 70% of the population as non-Christian or some other religion, there is a lot of work to do!
The Next 4 Weeks
Let me give you the logistics for the next four weeks as we transition from the YMCA to the Grandin Theatre for our launch.
There will be no online services for the next three weeks… not until Easter, April 4th, starting at 4pm. But for our team…
March 14 – Work Day
As a team, meet at 10am at the Grandin. Come prepared to take a tour, move things around, and figure out logistics for the serve team you’re on in this new space. We’ll also spend a few minutes praying together.
March 21 – Dry Run 1
We will meet at 10am, running all serve teams as we plan them the week before. We’ll have a short sermonette (I promise!) and have a debrief afterward with our teams to make adjustments to our strategies for each serve team area. We’ll order new items, as needed this week.
March 28 – Dry Run 2
Meet at 10am, running everything as if it’s Easter. We’ll include another short(er) sermon to make sure we have time to think critically about any other adjustments that need to be made.
April 4 – The Big Day
We’ll celebrate the launch of the church and Easter with baptisms! Make sure you bring a friend with you. This will start our new series on Genesis 1-3. We have postcard invitations going out to the neighborhoods around the Grandin, along with targeted social media ads. And, we’ll be using a study booklet we’ve made in-house to help us study through Genesis 1-3 together for the series.
Pray With Us
Please continue to pray for God to give our team boldness in inviting people to “come and see.” This strategy is really also part of engaging people with the gospel, because it just gives another opportunity to talk to them. But let’s use this launch to its fullest potential.
Pray also that God would move guests to come and stick through our 4-part series. And that he will save some of those who check us out!
Pray for our leaders to make wise decisions and have discernment about how to navigate the future. The pandemic has created a lot of unknowns!
Thanks so much for partnering with us. God is sovereign. We trust his timing and his desire to save many. And we trust he will use us to save some here in Roanoke.

Author: Pastor Carter Mundy
Carter is the Lead Pastor of Redemption Church. Check out more about him and his family by clicking here.