As a church, one of our visions for this year (2022) is to see all of our members reading the Bible on a daily basis. So we’ve cast the vision to read through the Bible in one year.

Thankfully, there’s a ton of resources out there to do that. But I’ve mentioned one that I want you to consider. I personally use the You Version Bible App on my phone. You can download it from any app store.
Then, you can find the One Story That Leads to Jesus reading plan on the You Version app. You can visit this link to find the One Story That Leads to Jesus. This reading plan was created by the guys at the Bible Project, which has a ton more great resources at
Use this tool (or any other one) to nourish your soul as you study the Bible this year. If it’s really the Truth we say we believe, then we’ll get to know it, sure. But more importantly, we’ll start to rely on it for our mental, emotional, and spiritual nourishment in a way that perhaps we’ve never experienced before.
Let God comfort you, correct you, teach you, encourage you, and make you more like Christ as you practice the discipline of studying the Bible daily.

Author: Pastor Carter Mundy
Carter is the Lead Pastor of Redemption Church. Check out more about him and his family by clicking here.