Just a few quick logistical reminders for our church as we head into 2023.
Meeting Schedule
We will NOT be meeting on Sunday January 1, 2023. Please take that day to worship at home with friends and family, visit another church in the valley that you can encourage, or spend time alone.
Whatever you do, this is a perfect way for you to practice an extra Sabbath rest to start the new year. We want to work from rest, not for rest. So rest! Then be ready to work hard for God’s mission in 2023. See you on January 8th to resume our normal Sunday meetings!
Multiply Offering
You can still give to the Multiply offering through December 31st, and even into January. Just make sure you give by the 31st if you want it to count toward your 2022 taxes. If you haven’t given yet, or you’d like to give more, click the link below.
Vision Series
Also January 8th, we’re starting what’s becoming an annual Vision message series. We want to start off every year running in the same direction together. Centering ourselves back on the vision and mission of our church will help us do that. And I’ll be laying out the theme for our year… deep dependent worship. Make sure you’re with us. We’ll be giving an update on our Multiply offering total, as well!
We’re going to start a 21-Day fast to kick off the Vision series and really beg God to move in and through our church in this new year. What better way to practice deep dependent worship than a fast together?
We have a lot to be thankful for, and a lot to continue to pray for! God is good, and he’s moving in Roanoke to build his kingdom. Let’s pray and work to be a part of what he’s doing. See you January 8th at 10am!

Author: Pastor Carter Mundy
Carter is the Lead Pastor of Redemption Church. Check out more about him and his family by clicking here.