Your generosity fuels the mission! You can give online, or by mailing cash/checks to 3735 Franklin Road SW #204, Roanoke, VA 24014. Make checks payable to “Redemption Church.”
Your generosity fuels the mission!
Amy & Chris's Story
The Thompsons are pumped about giving. The mission has invested in them through transforming their lives and their family, so now they invest back in the mission because of the incredible joy and blessing they get when they see God changing others, as well.
Victoria's Story
Victoria was a member of our launch team at Redemption Church. She met Jesus at the Summit Church in RDU, then plugged in at Mercy Hill in Greensboro, only to feel called by God to help start a new church in Roanoke, VA! Now she’s not only giving of her finances generously, but she’s giving her life to foster care, advocating for families who often have no one on their side. Victoria’s story is truly a model for giving time, talent, and treasure to multiply!
Katie & Matt's Story
Matt and Katie are leaders at Redemption Church who want to see God change the people around them. When Matt got a job in Roanoke, he prayed to meet someone like him who he could share the gospel with and encourage, and he met Michael almost right away! God deserves the glory for this story in both families’ lives. Are you ready to see this story reproduced over and over and over again at Redemption Church?
How to Partner
Pray for us and the people of Roanoke.
We believe God works in the world through the prayers of his people. Everyone should pray for the kingdom to advance! Pray with us that God will spark a gospel-centered revival; that He will prepare people to receive our hospitality and the gospel; and that our people will be bold to love others and share the gospel with them. To pray with us, subscribe to our monthly email updates.