The Bible says in Psalm 78, “We will not hide them from their children, but tell to the coming generation the glorious deeds of the Lord, and his might, and the wonders that he has done.” All throughout Scripture, parents are given the responsibility to pass on the gospel story to their children. What story is your family telling?
Based on your familial habits what story do your children see as important? It’s our desire to come alongside you and help you answer that question in a biblically faithful way. Please see the resources we have provided below as tools to use. We’re here to help in anyway you need!
Discipleship Guide
In the busyness of life, we often want to train our kids to become disciples, but either struggle to find the time, or we aren’t sure exactly what it looks like. Let’s learn to excel at discipleship so our kids are equipped to live out the gospel through childhood and into adult life.
Therefore, below is basic framework for family discipleship. Try not to think through the next ten steps you want to take. Focus on the one next step to see your kids raised to follow Jesus. This guide will help you do just that. Check out this free resource from our sending church, Mercy Hill:

We also encourage you to check out these books about family worship:
Gospel Conversations
At Redemption Church, we’re passionate about seeing kids place faith in Jesus! We are excited to offer this Gospel Conversation Guide, written by the Kids Staff of Mercy Hill Church, as a tool for you. The first part of this guide focuses on having ongoing conversations about the gospel with your kids, while the second part helps you walk your child through making a commitment to Christ. We hope you will download it by clicking the button below.
Equipping Kids to Share the Gospel
Parents, check out these “gospel hand motions” for your kids to be equipped to share the gospel in their neighborhoods and schools. We encourage you to check it out and practice at home. Thanks to Mercy Hill for letting us use this great tool!
We encourage you to utilize the Gospel Conversation Guide (above) to, as best as possible, determine if your child has placed faith in Jesus. If you believe your child has made this decision, we want to celebrate with you! Your child’s next step is to proclaim their faith in Jesus publicly through baptism. Click here to submit a form for baptism, and a staff member will reach out to you to set up a time for baptism counseling.

Parent Commissioning
We want to encourage you as parents to grow deeper into the gospel as you raise your kids in the faith. Parent commissioning is a way for our church to say “We’re With You!” Click below to learn more and register.