The Culture Review: First Post

It’s our first blog post at Redemption Church! We’re calling our new blog: The Culture Review. Here you can expect to be able to find relevant information on how to live like a Christian in our secular American culture.

Culture is a tricky word because it’s often hard to define and it’s an ever-changing phenomenon. Yet, our responsibility is to navigate the chaos to come through with a clear understanding of how the gospel comes to bear on our lives.

You can be sure that, as a Jesus-follower, you’re a culture leader. You have the responsibility to live as much like Jesus as you’re able… recognizing that his Spirit empowers you to do so. You can do nothing apart from Jesus, John tells us in chapter 15 of his Gospel.

Our hope for this blog is to compel you forward in that journey, and to push you to consider how Jesus effects your decisions, actions, thoughts… all of your life! Thanks for reading. Hope you’ll come back for more.

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