
Check out what’s going on and how you can get involved at Redemption Church!

Easter at Redemption

We can’t wait to celebrate our risen Savior with you! We will have two services for you to chose from and for you to invite to. Easter at Redemption will take place on Sunday, April 20 at 9:15am and 11:00am. Click below to see all the events for Easter!

Serve Team Training Day

We will be hosting a Serve Team Training Day on Saturday, April 5th, from 10am – 11:30am. We’ll take some time to build community and grow in serving on our serve teams. We will provide a light breakfast and coffee. Please RSVP using the link below. 

2025 Mission Trips

We will be hosting two short-term mission trips to Chicago, IL and India. Click learn more to find dates, times and to fill out the interest form.  

Parent Commissioning Weekend

We believe that God has called parents to be the primary disciple-makers in their home. Parent Commissioning is the first step of our church partnering with parents to raise up their kids to follow after Jesus.

Kids Week

SAVE THE DATE! Kids Week is happening on June 16-18 & 22, 2025. It will take place Mon – Wed, from 9am – 12pm and Sunday during our 10am service. This 4-day adventure will be a great chance for your kids to play games, have fun with friends, and learn about Jesus through fun activities and lessons.

New Location Wish List

Our church is moving into a new location on November 3rd. As you can imagine the costs are high for this new move. Would you consider partnering with us in the mission, by purchasing something from our new location Amazon wish list?

Starting Point

Starting Point

Ready to get connected? Starting Point is for you! Learn more about who we are, what we believe, and how you fit into the mission with us! It takes place once every month, right after church.


Growing in your relationship with Jesus only happens when you’re growing in relationships with other people. Discipleship happens in community! Jump into a community group today!

BLESS Resources

We value mobilizing leaders to multiply disciples! The BLESS model is an easy way to learn how to live on mission in your everyday life. You were made for more. Aren’t you ready to do what you were made to do?


Are you ready to share your faith with the world? Baptism is your first step of obedience in following Jesus. Request to get baptized at Redemption Church!

Serve Our Church

We always want to show the same hospitality to our visitors that we were shown when we first came to Redemption Church! Sign up below to serve on a Sunday team.

Serve Our City

We’re a church in Roanoke, for Roanoke. Do you want to jump into serving our city with us? Check out the opportunities to serve through a ministry we love, called Restoring Hope.

Login to join groups, register for events, and to give online.

You can watch, listen, or search for past sermons here.

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Stay Connected!

Subscribe to our monthly emails and/or text messages to stay connected and partner in prayer!