For the
next 21
Just as Daniel fasted for 21 days in Daniel chapter 10, because of the vision God had given him, we want to begin our year by fasting and praying because of the vision God has given us. Our vision is to see people go from restless to redemption, and only God can accomplish that!
Fasting is a symbolic form of prayer that fuels our longing for God and helps to create self-discipline in ourselves. It helps us combat idols in our heart and pushes us to keep our eyes on eternity.
Please consider entering this 21 days of prayer and fasting with us as we beg God to move in and through our church. Below are some helpful tips and tools for you to use, courtesy of The Summit Church.
Use This Guide:
This guide is available, if you need it. It includes Scripture and a prayer prompt for each day.
Why do we fast? Simply put, the goal of fasting is to turn ourselves from worldly things and set our minds and hearts fully on God. It is not a way to manipulate God or coerce him to hear and answer our prayers, but rather it acknowledges our complete dependence on him. Fasting awakens us to the reality that we are so often driven by our fleshly desires and appetites. It humbles us and awakens us to our great need for and reliance on God. As you consider fasting, we want to encourage you to listen to the Holy Spirit. Ask God to lead you in this time of seeking his face. Whether you choose to fast for one day, several days, or the entire 21 days, the point is to humble yourself in a new way and draw near to God. Here are some ideas of what you could choose.
- You might choose a selective fast, eliminating certain things from your diet. Eating only fruits and vegetables, what some might call a “Daniel fast,” is an example of this type of fasting.
- Another option is a partial fast, which is refraining from eating for a set period of time each day. You could choose to fast from a single meal or from sunup to sundown.
- Some of you may feel led to engage in a complete fast, refraining from eating and only drinking liquids for particular days or even an extended period of time.
- If fasting from food is not possible, you may feel led by the Lord to fast from something else, such as social media, television, or certain times or activities on your cell phone.
- If you would like more information and help on fasting, read these articles from cru.org: Seven Basic Steps to Successful Fasting and Prayer and Six Ingredients That Will Help You Fast From Technology.
Praying is spiritual breathing, essential for our life in God. As we meditate on God’s Word, we breathe in the promises and purposes of God. In prayer, we breathe out, responding to God’s Word to us. Each day in the guide (*above), there will be one verse and a few prayer responses for you to guide your prayers. Throughout the 21 days, you will be praying for specific areas in your life, our church, and our mission. Together, let’s put our faith into action, trusting in the promises of God for us and our church. Below are some helpful tips on how to make the most of this guide.
- Commit to a specific time each day to devote to prayer. Find a place where you can be free of distractions and be alone with God.
- Use the prayer points and Scripture in the guide to focus and fuel your prayers. Write the Scripture and prayer point on a card and carry it with you, post it on your social media, make it the screensaver on your phone—whatever you can think of to keep these prompts in front of you. Use them throughout the day and invite others to join you in praying.
- You can take it a step further by journaling your prayers each day, writing out your prayers to God. It’s a great opportunity to hide God’s Word in your heart, working to memorize the verses as you meditate and pray.
- In addition, you may consider ways to pray with others during this season. Set up a Zoom call with friends or members of your community group. Pray together as a family. Come pray on Mondays during the lunch hour at our church offices (see guide for details).